Transfer Day with Molly

Transfer Day with Molly

In my last infertility post I described that there are many steps that you must go through prior to transferring embryos into your gestational carrier.

We had gone through medical testing, bloodwork, appointments with attorneys to draw up a contract, singing of the contract, and psychologial meetings and assessments.  Now it was finally time to get my and Molly's bodies synched up in preparation to create embryos to transfer to her uterus.

Unfortunately for me my IVF cycles typically did not yield enough eggs, or embryos to end up with extra frozen embryos. Therefore I went through a fresh cycle and new embryos would be created then tranferrred to Molly.

I was a nervous wreck. What if I ended up with nothing to transfer? What if it doesnt work?  To me this was the final test to see whether or not I would in fact be able to have my own biological children. 

My cycle went okay. We ended up with two average embryos to put back. They certianly were not stellar quality so I was beyond nervous. I mean there were far better quality embryos that they put back in me in the past and none of them ever stuck. 

Despite me being a crazy lunatic nervous wreck, Molly was the complete opposite - calm, optomistic, positive, and reassuring. 

After the transfer you are supposed to take it easy and be on modified bed rest for two days.  We were hungry after the transfer so the two of us went to have lunch at Ruby Tuesday's.  Being my emotional crutch was certainly not part of her responsibilities; it really should have been the opposite if anything, but once again she continued to show me what a remarkable person she truly is. 

We had to wait two weeks until the pregnancy test. The longest two weeks of my life, but I was able to breathe because I trusted Molly, and her intuition.  

I'm Pregnant, is this a dream?

I'm Pregnant, is this a dream?

Are you there God?

Are you there God?