What to Do With Leftover Halloween Candy

What to Do With Leftover Halloween Candy

All I know is my children are all under the age of 5 and we still have bucket loads of candy after Halloween.  And since I thoroughly enjoy when my children sleep, and prefer that they not be hyped up on sugar, my husband and I definitely like to limit the amount of candy they consume.

But then what the heck do you do with all of the leftover candy? I put together a few simple and quick recipes to utilize those leftover goodies.  


1. Make a Homemade Ice Cream Cake


  • 1 box store bought brownie mix
  • Peanut Butter or Hot Fudge
  • 1 half gallon of your favorite ice cream flavor (I just used vanilla)
  • Leftover chocolate candies (I used Reese's peanut butter cups and pieces)


  1. Place ice cream in your refrigerator for a few hours ahead of time so you are able to spread it. 
  2. Using a 9x13 pan (I used an aluminum one so it could be thrown away or left if you bring it to a party), bake your brownies according to the instructions on the box. 
  3. Let brownies cool completely.
  4. Once brownies are cooled I spread on a layer of peanut butter on top of the brownies. 
  5. Next, spread your ice cream over the peanut butter.
  6. Last, top the ice cream off with leftover candy of your choice!
  7. Place in freezer until you are ready to serve.

2. Make Left over Candy Blondie/Brownie Bars


  • Store bought box Mix of Blondie and or Brownie bars (which ever you prefer)
  • Left over chocolate candies ( I used Snickers, Kit Kat, M&M's, and Twix)


  1. Bake blondie/brownies according to package instructions.
  2. A little less than half way through the cooking process I took the brownies out and added the candies to the top. I didn't add them in the beginning because I think they keep their shape a little better and don't just melt all the way in if you add them a little later. 
  3. Enjoy! Or, you can always wrap them well with plastic wrap, toss them into freezer bags and freeze for later!

By the way, this adorable brownie pan set that my mom gave me is available HERE, would make such a great gift. 


3. Make Homemade Trail Mix


  • Dry Roasted Peanuts
  • Cashews
  • Dried fruit
  • Raisins
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • M&M candies

These are what I used, but trail mix really can be made based on your personal preference. Here are some other ingredient options: pretzels, almonds, Chex cereal, Wasabi peas, Walnuts, yogurt covered raisins, pumpkin seeds, malted milk balls.  


  1. In a medium or large bowl combine about a cup or so of each of the ingredients and toss together.
  2. I like to portion my trail mix out into those little snack size ziplock bags. They make great snacks for on-the-go and school lunches. 

4. Save it for later use

Candy can stay fresh for a decent amount of time, as in up to a full year! THIS article is great and describes the general shelf life guidelines for candy bars. 

Personally, I find that I end up buying a lot of candy in December for holiday cookies, parties, stocking stuffers etc.  It makes a lot more sense both economically and health wise to not consume it all right now and to just save a bunch for the holidays. 

The ice cream cake or brownies could be great treats to make if your child is going to an end of fall sports season team party, a church social, or any other event you are invited to and want to bring a tasty treat. 

If all else fails, bring it to your office/work break room, because you know it WILL get eaten. #vultures. 


Hope everyone has a spooktacular Halloween, and remember to always thoroughly inspect your kid's candy before letting them eat it!!




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