Yep, I Drive a minivan...and it's awesome.

Yep, I Drive a minivan...and it's awesome.

Me circa 2012: "I would never, ever drive a minivan. Not even if they gave me one for free would I ever be caught dead being a minivan driver, disgusting."  

Me circa 2015: "Oh my god, I'm telling you, I swore I'd never do it, but I seriously love my mini van. It's just soooo convenient. Yeah SUVs are nice, but the sliding doors are soo much safer."  

So how exactly did the huge change of heart come about? Well... I had Greyson, my oldest, and during that time drove an SUV that I absolutely loved and it was all fine and good with one child. Then we were expecting twins. And although my SUV had a third row backseat, I could not logistically wrap my head around how two bucket car seats and my son under two were all going to be easily accessible in the SUV. So I started researching and began with larger SUVs, aka something cooler than a minivan. I thought mainly about ease of use with three little kids. And after much biased research, I concluded that a minivan would best suit our family's needs and make my life easier when transporting the gang. So now it was to convince the hubby that I needed a new car. I went in with, "ok so I'm not suggesting I get a  new car here out of selfishness or materialism, I'm suggesting we get a minivan, let me reiterate, a minivan." At first he wasn't buying it, but let me assure you that as of now, we both are official minivan converts. So my online research led me to believe that either the Honda Odyssey or Toyota Sienna were going to be our vans of choice. We test drove them and I was hooked on the Honda Odyssey. However, the reviews I was reading were for some used models because with all the bells and whistles, I was looking at the used options which were more in our budget. So when Trevor one morning suggested that we go test drive the Kia Sedona I wasn't having it. "Seriously Trevor? I like the Honda, we drove the Honda, why are you doing this to me?!" He said he did a comparison of all of the brand new 2015 models and Kia got rave reviews. My big thing was safety and he said it got the highest safety rating alongside the Honda and Toyota. I did some quick googling and I was a fan of the body style and features. I agreed to go test drive. We took a test drive and wow, I was an instant fan. He was right, this really was THE van to get. Offered more features than the Honda, we could afford brand new, and it was safe. We also had an entertainment package installed so that we have a DVD player for longer trips. 

So the moral of the story is I freaking love my Kia Sedona minivan.  It's awesome, it suits our family's needs perfectly, and I still bump rap music (from the 90s obviously) with my RayBans on, alone on my way to Target, and think I am soooo badass.

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