Are we over/mis-using the word "OBSESSED"?

Are we over/mis-using the word "OBSESSED"?

Since dabbling in the blogging community, I needless to say have found myself following a myriad of bloggers on Instagram. The majority of the bloggers I follow are fashion bloggers and I do genuinely enjoy their feeds; and when looking for some outfit ideas or new wardrobe staples, I do find them inspiring and helpful. 

However, with all due respect, the overuse of the word "OBSESSED" is quite frankly turning me off big time.  Now I get it for many of these bloggers it is in fact their job and business so a certain degree of enthusiasm for the products they are showcasing is necessary in order to get people to swipe on up and buy, buy, buy! But I am just having a hard time with it.

The over enthusiasm over shirts, skirts, mugs, sandals and other material things is just something I cannot get on board with.  I personally vow to no longer use the word "obsessed" when referring to things that well, can get me jazzed but in the grand scheme of life are certainly, in my humble opinion, not worth "obsessing" over. 

With that being said I have also decided to do a massive clean up of who I am following on Instagram.  I feel as if I have wasted countless hours scrolling through thousands of feeds and I just feel that I am overwhelmed by the amount of people I follow and it is making interacting with social media no longer enjoyable. 

I mean I am following some people building multi-million dollar houses, taking outfit selfies in front of a wall of designer shoes, and honestly that is not relatable for me, nor inspiring.  Cleaning tips? Target sales? Recipes? That's more my speed.

I am going to compile another post of who I do find worth following and why.  In the meantime let's think a little harder about what adjectives we are using to describe superficial things, just saying. 



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Authentic Italian Bolognese Sauce

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